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Supply chain attacks ⛓️‍💥 Ghetto Logs 👊🏾 🪵 and Rust/AI cold takes 🧊 with Thorsten Ball

🛡️ Security releasesGo 1.23.6 & 1.22.12 releasedGo 1.24rc3 releasedProposal accepted: cmd/fix: automate migrations for simple deprecations⛓️‍💥 Go Supply Chain Attack: ...

What's coming beyond Go 1.24? A look at proposals, and interview with Anton Zhiyanov

Proposals✈️ Accepted: runtime/trace: flight recording🫷 Accepted: add vet check for sync.WaitGroup abuseDraft: json/v2 proposal draft🌩️ Lightning roundBlog post: Gist o...

🌲🌳🌲 If an error falls in forest, and there's no variable around to see it... ?

Go 1.24RC2 releasedGo 1.23.5 & 1.22.11 released🇺🇸 GopherCon, Aug 26-28 @ New York, New YorkCFS open through March 3Proposals🇺🇸 New: reduce error handling boilerplate u...

🎤 A nil microphone won't keep us away from the 1.24 Interactive Tour or trying Hugo's new features

🛡️ Security updatesGo 1.23.5, 1.22.11, and 1.24RC2 coming Jan v1.2.4 released last weekGo 1.24 interactive tourProposalsOn hold: container/uno...

🗓️ 2025 conference preview, GoReleaser enhancements, and whether to use assertion libraries

🪵 fix pre-announcementConferences🇧🇷 GopherCon LATAM @ Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, May 5-6🇩🇪 GopherCon EU @ Berlin, Germany, June 16-19CFP through...

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