🆕 Most of what you need to know about Go 1.22
- New releases
- ♬ Go 1.21.7 and 1.20.14 released
- 🧹 golangci-lint 1.56.1 released, including support for `--show-stats` and John's bugfix
- Conferences and Meetups
- Go 1.22 Feature Rundown
- Official announcement, release notes, and download link
- Cool interactive release notes by Anton Zhiyanov
- The Loopvar bug has been fixed
- Range over int is now supported with range over func iterators in experimental mode
- New math/rand package, the first v2 to land in stdlib
- New HTTP routing, with support for methods and wildcards
- Much to Shay's chagrin, Accepted: net/http: allow multiple spaces between method and path in mux patterns
- New Slices package, including a great blog post about the Concat func from Carlana Johnson
- Better look for "trace" tool's web UI
- Ad break
Creators and Guests

Jonathan Hall
Freelance Gopher, Continuous Delivery consultant, and host of the Boldly Go YouTube channel.