📚 So many Go books, so little time! Plus upcoming security releases, GopherCon ⚡ lightning talks, and interview with Donia Chaiehloudj
Today we're joined by guest co-host, Adelina Simion! Adelina works at Form3, co-organizer of Women Who Go, London and London Gophers, and is the author of Test-Driven Development in Go.
- 🛡️ Security updates coming August 1:
- Conferences
- GopherCon Singapore, Nov 2-3
- GopherCon, San Diego Sept 25-28
- ⚡ Lightning Talk submissions open until August 7
- 💀 New deadcode tool
- Blog post: Are you maintaining dead code?
- 📚 New Go books
- Shipping Go by Joel Holmes
- gRPC Go for Professionals by Clément Jean
- Blog post: 5 Ways to Write a Go Database Model by Paul Boyd
- Ad break
- Stop by the Women Who Go booth at GopherCon UK, August 16-18
- Interview with Donia Chaiehloudj
- Follow on Social Media
- Upcoming book: Learn Go with Pocket-Sized Projects
Creators and Guests
Adelina Simion
Education Engineer at Spectro. She is an organiser of London Gophers and Women Who Go London. She has been a Gopher since 2018.
Jonathan Hall
Freelance Gopher, Continuous Delivery consultant, and host of the Boldly Go YouTube channel.